Wednesday 17 February 2016

Making Money from Phone Sex?

It's the age old saying, "sex always sells." And it truly does time and time again. This is not a man hating post in any sense by the way, in fact I love men and their quirky ways and I respect every caller that I speak to. This post is about exploring phone sex as an alternative way to making money from home. As with every revenue making stream there are the good ways to do it and unfortunately the bad ways too. I want you to read these tips because I want you to be successful at phone sex. It's a flexible job with no childcare issues and no office politics to deal with. It sounds perfect right? It can be if you do it correctly and I'm here to tell you the best ways to do it:

Self promotion: Your PIN number is like gold. You need to give this to every caller possible whilst also informing them of when you will next be logged on. Repeat callers earn you tons of money. I would even write notes on each repeat caller you have so that you do not forget their fantasies or what they have told you to date, this then makes the connection between you and him solid. The repeat caller wants to feel valued and they definitely will if you remember their favourite football team!

Make money from Phone Sex

Logging on: Without logging on you will not receive calls! When working from home you need that self discipline to set your own working hours - that you need to stick to. It’s no good logging on here and there as your repeat callers will never be able to get back to you! Set yourself shifts and set the shifts that work in harmony around your family life. You cannot expect to earn good money if you only log on for 5 hours a week!  

It's like Telesales: As with selling on the phone you too are also selling your voice. You need to set yourself personal targets so that you stay focused with each call as each call is a money making revenue stream for you. Try to beat your hold time, your revenues or even your log on hours. Keep focused on every caller and monitor your call durations closely. All telesales agents have targets they need to achieve, set your own targets and watch your revenue increase.

Your voice: Do you sound bored on the phone? Tired, miserable or stressed? If you do then your calls will be considerably shorter than they should be. Any man can speak to a miserable woman and they definitely want something different when calling a phone sex line. If you've been taking calls for a while then you may need to spruce up your character, opening lines and your tone of voice. These are positive changes for your calls and are well worth checking every now and again. Each time I log on I have a different story, for example this weekend I am visiting The British Museum because I adore history and London. Keep it fresh at all times.  

Gelling with the caller: Even though we are chat line operators our first point of call is to make the caller feel relaxed and to let him know that we understand him. It sounds like new age rubbish but when your mirror the caller he will definitely start to appreciate your efforts. You cannot get on with everyone but if we try our very best we may just be able to connect with each caller, thus extending our call durations. Some callers can be slightly annoying but you have to remember that they are a paying customer and deserve our respect and patience at all times.

If you are a new Chat Line Operator from home you need to realize that it may take time for you to produce really outstanding calls. Your nerves may get the better of you and you are still learning the tricks of the trade. After about 3 weeks you should take these calls in your stride and start to look at ways of extending all of your call durations because this makes you more money. When I first started taking phone sex calls I didn't understand the psychology of sex chat, this is something I want you to take on board because it is the most important element of taking calls. If you don’t understand the caller, the way the service works or how to increase your call durations then unfortunately you will not make as much money as you should. If you are an operator with us and you need any more help then please do give us a call on 01604824290 (Monday – Friday 9am-5pm)

If you feel ready to become a Chat Line Operator from home, the speedy sign up link is here.

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