Thursday 18 February 2016

Chat Line Operator Tips

I've been fortunate enough to work for a superb phone sex company that is always evolving and most importantly is always busy. Equally I've been blessed to be given the trusted role of training all of our lovely new operators.

I want everyone to be able to maximize their calls so that they can earn as much money as possible because let's face it we do not want to talk dirty for free! We all do it for the money so we might as well do it properly. If you are a chat line operator and you feel that you need some more tips then please read on, it can really do wonders for your calls and can also increase your confidence at the same time.  

The best Chat Line Operator Tips:

Choose your character wisely:
If you are in your 40's please do not put your character at age 19, it will sound totally unconvincing and unrealistic! Choose a natural character that fits in with your real life and one that you can remember. There is nothing worse than trying to remember if you have huge melons or if you are flat as a pancake. Also choose a name that is natural, things like "luscious lips" should definitely be off limits as the callers know that this is not a real name. Names like Sally, Lisa, Pam are all good names to choose from. You also have to know your character inside out as your regular callers will remember what you have told them! So if you say you are from London you cannot then switch this to Manchester. Your character is supposed to be as real as possible so the caller can make a proper connection.  

The Best Chat Line Operator Tips

Set working hours that fit around your family life:
If you have 3 kids and 4 dogs you are unlikely to log on in the daytime during school holidays! Set yourself realistic hours where you have peace and so that you can relax and really focus on your calls. There is no point in taking calls when you are stressed as the caller will definitely pick up on this! He doesn’t want a stressed lady to speak to, he wants a sexy nympho that is up for anything (I can only remember being like this is my early 20’s pre children!) so you have to really get this “sexy” head back on.

Research, Research!!
Research is the key to great call durations. If you do not know what you are talking about then your calls will be short which means making less money! Take a look at some of our websites so that you can view what the caller is seeing before he calls. Incorporate some of the ideas into your character and become familiar with the words we use to describe the phone sex service. Below are a few of our websites but there are plenty more out there on the big world wide web!

Don’t rush into the Sex Chat
The callers will love it if you give them sex within the first 2 minutes however this will not make you money and will probably not produce regular callers either. It is very easy to ask them if they are feeling horny and then dive in at the deep end but we have to navigate around this little dilemma and ask them other questions first. For example I always open my calls with, “Hi I am Sarah, thanks for calling, would you like to know a bit about me?” This then lets me do all of the talking for the first 1 -2 minutes without him saying a word! Sometimes it doesn’t matter how hard you try the caller is always at the stage of no return and these little tips will not make a difference (every chat line operator has these types of calls) however most calls can be saved and be transformed into a 15+ minute call instead of a 2 minute wonder!

Don’t Panic
A lot of new operators panic and get really nervous on their first few sex calls. Granted this is a natural response however you really do need to calm those nerves because a nervous chat line operator does not take successful calls! You have to remember that the only aspect the caller knows about you is the sound of your voice. He doesn't know what you look like, where you live or your telephone number. So to put it in a nutshell you can be anyone you want to be! I use my own character on line minus 2 stone and that suits me fine. If I ever feel anxious I stop and remind myself that girl you are a brilliant chat line operator with bags of confidence and that caller is going to be successfully entertained by you! Take some deep breaths, think of the money and then start chatting!

As always there are plenty of other tips and if you find what works for you the best then that is great. There is only 2 main aims in phone sex, a) The caller has to be entertained in a quality manner and b) The operator has to make money. Without these crucial aspects the service will collapse! So we have all of the callers that you need so that you can earn your money, now it is your turn to take those calls and put them to good use i.e.. making them into long durations. Chat Line Operator tips are essential for improving your calls but also to remind you that you can do things different, you can try new tactics and you do not have to stay with the same old conversations you do every day!

If you are interested in becoming a Chat Line operator but you are not yet 100% sure, why not give us a quick call and we will talk you through things omitting any unrealistic information so that you know exactly what you are going to get with this type of job. Our telephone number is: 01604824290 and we are open Monday - Friday (9am-5pm)

Join LiveLines UK Jobs

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