Saturday 8 October 2016

PSO Jobs UK - The Low Down

Has anyone ever told you that you have one hell of an amazing voice? Are you able to speak to people on the phone with ease? Are you confident and bubbly with a slight mysterious side? If so a PSO Job may just well be for you. Firstly let me dispel some myths about this wondrous job from home and then you can decide yourself if this venture may well suit you and your life, it is very flexible and you can make it work around your family and other commitments, this is exactly what I did!

1. Callers do not know your telephone number. 
If  you think about it, if we gave callers your phone number, we would never make any money! Not only that but we would have quite a big issue with breaking every data protection guideline going. So no, we do not give your phone numbers to callers!

2. We do not talk about illegal content
With LiveLines UK we do not allow our operators to converse about anything illegal on the service. We do not even give the caller a second chance, if he even so much as mentions anything illegal - we terminate the call. All operators are trained on this procedure however I must stress that these types of calls are quite rare as every caller knows that the calls are recorded.

3. You are not being exploited
A few weeks ago an irate twitter user bizarrely posted that this job exploited women. She did this without first even looking into how we worked and without ever doing it herself, of course. I did want to thank her for advertising the job to her 2,000+ followers but I decided against it, she had done enough already! The point is, lots of people have judgement about phone sex operators and yet they have never done it themselves or even attempted to read the basics into the job. We do not force women to talk dirty on the phone, it is a job that is available and if a lady would like to take this job on, we offer them full support and training. You can only exploit someone if the other person is being forced to do a job that they do not want to do! Not only that, but this job offers lots of women financial stability and thus independence.

PSO Jobs UK - Apply to be a Phone Sex Operator

4. Your next door neighbour doesn't need to know
I delayed becoming  Chatline Operator purely because I thought that my neighbours would find out and god forbid then gossiping Mum's at the school gates would be laughing at me after my first call. Little did I realize that it was my decision to become a PSO Operator and it was completely confidential. I could take calls when I wanted to and no one else had to know. It was great!

5. You are not doing anything wrong
Men will always be horny (hopefully!) they will always looks for stimulating experiences to fulfill their needs and if our phone sex service does this then that is a wonderful thing. In the UK, our service is regulated and there are lots of rules and regulations that we have to put into place so that the caller is not mislead in any way. When becoming a PSO operator from home, you are purely providing your voice for entertainment on the phone!

PSO Jobs in the UK are a great way to earn extra money, with some ladies making this their full time job, providing them with financial independence and security. Without amazing operators, this type of service would not be possible and lots of men would miss out on an easy way to get female companionship over the phone.

If you have any more questions about becoming a PSO Operator, please do telephone us and our friendly office team will answer any questions that you may have. The perfect part is that all of our management team have been online themselves, they know exactly what it is like to take phone sex calls and there is nothing better than asking the professionals, so to speak!

We are always recruiting new PSO operators and our traffic levels are thankfully always increasing. If you think that this job would suit you, why not apply here 

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