Friday 13 January 2017

Automated Training for Adult Chat Line Operator Jobs

Here in the office we've had one amazing brain busting idea! We have set up a new Automated Training line that will ensure that each and every Adult Chat Line Operator will receive a smooth training session at any time they choose. Receiving telephone training before your start your PSO Job is essential. Without decent training, your call duration's can be very short and this will affect the money that you make. Automated telephone training is also excellent for our international operators that sometimes find it hard to book in a time for their training due to the time difference. Of course, we will be in constant contact with all new applicants and we will offer ongoing support and help in any way that we can, however the initial how to training session will be on the phone with my automated voice.

The telephone training is exceptionally easy but a definite necessity. We tell you how you log on and off, how to make your introduction messages and also the regulations as well. This information is crucial and one that every Adult Chat Line Operator should know off by heart. As the telephone training will be automated, you can now replay the training whenever you like. So if you forget something or you want a refresh, you can just dial the training line and get up to date with the information you require. The main benefit from automated telephone training is that you can do it when it suits you. Before we had very limited training sessions in the evening and we know that it is best to get the training completed when the kids are in bed and basically when you have 20 minutes to yourself. The automated line allows you to complete your PSO Job training when you want to.

PSO Jobs

We understand that automated training does not compliment the full sign up process and that is why our friendly recruitment team will still be there to assist you with any queries or questions that you may have. We've got the experience to make your Adult Chat Line Operator Job as pleasant and as profitable as it can be and we do not want any operator to miss out on crucial advice and support.

2017 is going to be one innovative year that will hugely benefit our new and existing operators, we are so excited about the positive changes that will be happening within LiveLines UK. We are always pushing the boundaries so that we can provide the very best Jobs for our operators. Remember, if you have any ideas that you think will help our operators, pleas provide your feedback and email our new help-desk,  .

Is 2017 the year when you will start a brand new venture? Where you can work from home on a flexible basis that suits you? Why not research into our at home jobs that actually provide a decent income that are paid to you every 2 weeks on a Friday. We are heavily recruiting Adult Chat Line Operators, our call volumes are increasing drastically and we need happy, chatty and broadminded ladies that are willing to entertain our callers on the phone. To apply, please visit:

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