Tuesday 27 September 2016

How to become a Phone Sex Operator

Becoming a phone sex operator is easier than you think! Becoming an operator has many advantages that far outweigh the stigma that is often associated with taking adult chat line calls. We’ve all had phone sex with our better halves right? Well how about taking this to the next level and actually use your voice to earn you some money? It sounds a little too easy to be true? Well yes and no. Becoming a phone sex operator should be an easy process with a good and supportive company behind you. However, this industry can be slightly murky and sometimes the inexperienced operator can get caught out there! I’ve put some tips below on how to become a successful phone sex operator and these tips should serve you well on your new adventure into this very curious world of PSO work that can be both lucrative and hilarious at the same time.

Can you talk the talk?

Yes ladies, you will need to be able to speak dirty on the phone. Although you should always aim to leave the adult chat out of the call for as long as possible, inevitably the caller will want filthy talk included within the call. Of course on our service, we are only allowed to speak about legal content however this will include all different types of fetishes from spanking, fisting and golden showers. The majority of calls will contain “normal hardcore” dirty chat like getting him off with some sensual words. In any case, you need to make sure that you will be ok with this type of fantasy adult chat. 

How to become a Phone Sex Operator

Find a reputable company

Even if you do not join LiveLines UK, make sure that you join a company that is reputable, has a good trading history and is properly licenced with Phone Pay Plus (UK). We have heard many horror stories of operators that have worked their butts off, only not to be paid on their pay date! Also ensure that you do not pay any upfront fees to any company. A good company would not request this as their need for hardworking operators should far outweigh their desire to charge an upfront fee.

Ask Questions

If your chat line operator company doesn’t provide you with much upfront information, I would be dubious. Every bit of information that you can take in will help you to achieve your goal and become a successful phone sex operator. Ask as many questions as you can, even ask them twice if you do not understand the answer! Knowledge is power and in order to take good calls you do need to know a little about the company that you are taking calls for.

Training is Important

We train all of our new operators even if they have done it before. A quality training session allows you to get to know your supervisor and to ask as many questions as you need. A training session is a must and I would only take calls and feel happy with the position after I have been thoroughly trained by my prospective company.

Operator Respect

All phone sex companies know that without their operator’s dedication, they would not have a business. If you do not feel that you are treated with respect when you apply, then I would give that company a miss. Big companies should have a dedicated team that recruit operators and this team should be courteous and have the knowledge to provide you with any information that you may require.

If you are thinking about how to become a phone sex operator, we’ve got good news. Our office team are willing to answer any questions that you may have, so even if you cannot find the answer to your questions on this blog, telephone us and we will talk through any questions that you may have. We are open and willing to dedicate our time to helping you with your successful venture into this industry. We know that with time, consideration and training, nearly everyone can become a professional and well paid phone sex operator. To apply please visit www.livelinesukjobs.co.uk/apply

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