Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Phone Sex Operator - I'm not earning enough money!

OK so you've dreamed of becoming a phone sex operator, it will make you lots of money right? Well yes it can but only if you do it correctly! When I first started doing sex chat I was doing it all wrong, making silly mistakes that cost me dearly with my calls. However I was a newbie, young and quite inexperienced at sex chat! This all changed when a manager once spoke to me and told me to buck up my calls because they were too short. Of course this scared the s*it out of me because I desperately needed this job so I decided to do something about it.

From a personal note, if you are not making enough money out of sex chat then you are making mistakes because this is a high demand industry and even rocks during recessions. So my friends buckle up and take these tips on board because I'm here to tell you what crucial mistakes to avoid whilst you journey through your phone sex career!

Pick a Good Busy Company
Some companies may promise you the world, however if they do not have high traffic levels then you will NOT make money. Without calls, you will not earn. As it happens LiveLines is extremely busy and we average calls every 1-2 minutes for each operator. This is good news if you are taking sex calls for making money.

Log On!!!
There is no point in logging on for 5 hours a week and expect to earn tons of money. Firstly your regular callers cannot get back to you and secondly you won't receive many calls because you are only logged on for 5 hours! Set yourself personal shifts, for example if the kids go to bed at 8pm make your personal shift 8.30pm-11pm Monday - Friday. Or if your kids go to school / nursery make sure your log on hours are when they are at school. Don't skimp on your hours, don't put it off and make it work to your advantage. Treat this as a real job with you performing real shifts that are flexible around your life.

Your Attitude!
If you answer every call with a boring "hello" and you sound half asleep then your calls are going to be dreadful. You need to answer each call like a fresh daisy. You have to be happy, in tune with what the caller is speaking about and of course acting sexy as well. If he wants boring he will call his Gran. You are different, you are an experience - keep it that way, even after your 50th call.

Your Character!
If you are Jane the stay at home single Mum that is fine. However if you are Jane the stay at home single Mum that adores war documentaries, loves to party on a Saturday and has a fetish about roast dinners then yes Jane does sound more interesting and this is the kind of character that you want to use. You've got to remember that the caller really does not want to speak about himself (if he does this is unusual), he doesn't want to tell you that he is 50 and is divorced, instead he wants to listen all about you - this is what he is paying for! So ensure that your character is interesting, it is a MUST!

No Sex yet!
A lot of ladies rush into the sex chat because that is what they think callers like. YES THEY DO! However this will not make you a lot of money. If you start talking about big dicks before the first minute your call will last approximately 2 minutes. You need to lead the call, be bubbly and talk about yourself before mentioning sex. Sometimes of course this method will not work but on the majority of calls it will work and your call times will last much longer. So leave the sex until at least the third minute of the call!

Your regular callers
Some operators earn loads of money just from repeat callers and it really bumps up their weekly revenue amount. You need to give your PIN number out to every single caller. I normally say, "You sound absolutely lovely, this is my PIN number and I am back on tomorrow at 7 pm." You need to promote yourself as much as you can as this will definitely increase your revenue.

Of course practice always makes perfect and my calls are totally different from when I first started. If you do feel that you are not making enough money from being a Phone Sex operator then you really need to sit yourself down and find a method that increases your calls because the calls are there and the callers want to speak to you!

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